PTP Project Summary

We live in a globalised, diversified world that is changing permanently. Our young people will encounter a society that will explore and appreciate the creative industries, that means a very different employment market in the next 15 years. People from different country will work directly or online on the same project. The automatic jobs will be replaced by the use of Hi-Tech, so the most creative and collaborative people will have better chances to be employed.
Our project has its basis on Education
& Training 2020 which identifies that at
school level there are still many cases of
early school leaving (in Spain 19%, in
Romania 18,5%, in Netherlands 10%,
in Germany under 10%) or students
don't have competencies required
for 21st century future employment.
of PTP project
Our participants are:
6 Schools from 6 countries:
,,Mondial College'', from Nijmegen, Holland;
,,Art and Science Center'' YUKSEL BAHADIR ALAYLI BILIM VE SANAT MERKEZI, from Selcuklu city in Turkey;
Zespol Szkol Nr 1 im. Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie
w Wyszkowie, Wyszkow, Poland; -
The ''Avram Iancu'' Gymnasium School from Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania;
IIES Padre Morret-Irubide, Pamplona, Spain; Gesamtschule Schermbeck, Germany.

PTP Main and Specific Objectives
Our MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project ''Pupils teach Pupils'' is to improve the pupils life skills by involving them in the process of teaching their peers through the implementation of interactive methods and didactic strategies during the exchange of good practices between the school partners.
The specific objectives are students centred: the increasing of the motivation for learning of pupils, through promoting a better understanding of teaching process and of sciences; the increasing of the awareness of cultural heritage knowledges through participation of pupils from 6 European countries to extracurricular activities during the mobilities; the improvement of the school results of the disadvantaged pupils by involving them directly in learning/teaching activities; the empowerment of pupils with methods of teaching/learning strategies and the awareness between them of the difficulty of didactic strategies promoted by teachers for a more effective learning (intergenerational learning).
PTP Activities
Activities that would support our objectives are: ''Teaching Science, Art/Music, Poetry & Language, Social studies and History'' from a cultural heritage point of view; 'Saturday-a Host Family Day''; a self-evaluation tool kit for teachers to reflect on and improve/adapt their practice; new teaching and assessment resources to mirror the 21st century learning – the digital learning. Instructional blogs/videos produced by pupils to support new achieved teaching & learning methods. We use a collaborative approach based on identifying the problems, seeking solutions after each lesson/visit, testing solutions in context and evaluating impact. ''PTP'' project will focus on the teaching profession at classroom, learning from peers and the inter-relationship with other pupils and parents.